How much does it cost to buy Cathay Pacific Asia miles?
When you buy Cathay Pacific Airways miles you can normally find them on sale for between 1 cent – 2 cents each mile.
Where is the cheapest place to buy Asia miles?
MilesXpress is an online website that allows you to quickly and conveniently buy Cathay Pacific Asia Miles for the cheapest prices on the internet! Plus, you can sell miles you have if you do not plan to use them.
Which airlines use Asia miles?
Cathay Pacific started Asia miles as a loyalty reward program and over the years has partnered with over 20 other airlines from around the world including:
British Airways
Japan Airlines
Qatar Airways
And many more
Do Cathay Pacific Asia miles expire?
If you do not redeem your Asia miles within 18 months they can expire, But there are many available flights across Asia, Europe, and the world that they can be used on.
Is there a way to stop Cathay Pacific Asia miles from expiring?
If your loyalty program account shows activity within the 18 month period, the expiration date on all remaining miles will be extended an additional 18 months for your convenience.
Can I use my Cathay Pacific Asia miles for an upgrade?
Cathay Pacific allows you to use your Asia miles for an upgrade to Premium Economy Class and if there is no Premium Economy Class on your flight you can upgrade to Business Class.